My name is Fernando and I'm a Brazilian Portuguese Teacher, Translator & Interpreter based in London, UK. I was born in Porto Alegre, the capital of the Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul State. After I graduated from university, I visited London as a tourist and liked it so much that I moved back to train to be a teacher, translator and interpreter. In my 20+ years of experience I have helped many people on their journey to learn Brazilian Portuguese. Teaching is my passion and I am proud to have taught Brazilian Portuguese to staff of British Airways, BBC, Sotheby’s, Fine Line Film Distribution, among many others.
Top Rated
Camilla Wootton Villela
Maravilhoso ✨
Um material maravilhoso para estudantes e professores de Português como Língua Estrangeira! Expressões realmente úteis e faladas por brasileiros no dia a dia, com exemplos e traduções para o inglês que ajudam demais. Parabéns e obrigada, Fernando!
Very useful!
I love this Ebook of expressions!! I use them a lot to communicate about my day, situations, and irritating co-workers (lol)! It's nice having it all in one place, alphabetized instead of trying to gleam some phrases scouring the internet. It's a time saver!
Victor Andzulis
Attractive and Helpful!
This is a beautiful resource that fills in conversational holes left by most language education. You never realize how often you use expressions in your own language until you try to translate what you're saying into another language. Expressions are a part of nearly every human interaction. Having some Portuguese equivalents will help me feel like a more natural speaker!
Morné Lippiatt
Excellent Resource
Great for building a daily habit and learning bit by bit.
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